Daisee Aguilera, the former councilor of Environment for Gent per Formentera, was the protagonist of the political rally against President Llorenç Cordoba on Thursday, which brought together just over 250 people and whose call she had been one of the ringleaders. At least, one of the protagonists. Although Aguilera is in the spotlight for being one of the protagonists of the contest under suspicion of the beach services, or precisely because of it, she not only fled from the spotlight but sought to hog the limelight during the concentration implying that she is one more victim and has nothing to hide and no explanations to give. In the front row, where politicians love to be for the photo, she took the floor to pronounce some surreal words in which she defended the former mayor Isidor Torres and the former president “our Jaume Ferrer”, the former of the COP and the latter of Gent per Formentera, in case there was any doubt about the bias in favor of Gent per Formentera of a concentration aimed, without saying it, to pressure Cordoba to resign. Not in vain, not a word that a single vote of Gent per Formentera or the PSOE would be enough for Sa Unió to return to power to manage in minority the Consell de Formentera until the next elections via motion of censure. And is that the responsibility in this crisis goes by neighborhoods and each one has its own.
“I am a person.”
“My name is Daisee Aguilera, I am a former politician (something that everyone in Formentera knows) but I am a person (something that everyone also knows). We are fed up, I am very fed up, I ask for resignations (without specifying who), I ask that everyone gets in the same room and do the same as we have done all these people who are here who have prepared this and until they do not have a solution to enter and leave, to enter and leave all the people who have to enter and leave (also without specifying who). (…) We need action, enough is enough…”.

Later, she was seen sobbing when the people concentrated took out a symbolic red card to Llorenç Córdoba and Sa Unió, since it has never been seen that one takes out a red card to oneself and the PSOE supported the concentration and GxF was, more or less, behind it. 35 entities had shown their support for the citizen protest, massive support that did not translate into massive participation. 220 people according to the Local Police and just over 250 according to the count of La Voz de Ibiza. Diario de Ibiza and Periódico de Ibiza say about 300. In any case, about half of those who rallied in April 2022 for the kiosk model promoted by PSOE and GxF, a party that, however, also joined the mobilization.
Aguilera’s role
As has been published exclusively in La Voz de Ibiza, Daisee Aguilera is one of the protagonists of the contest under suspicion of beach services and whose processing is riddled with irregularities, the latest known is that the changes in the criteria set out in the bases, up to five as identified by this media, occurred once all the envelopes with the technical offers and some envelopes with the economic offers had been opened.
Thus, Aguilera was awarded a sailing school, accused by Asier Fernandez, now island director of Litoral, of having appropriated key elements of the project that the sailor had commissioned. This newspaper proved that this is so at least in the agreement with the Club de Vela de Formentera. Aguilera denied the plagiarism. The operation of the sailing school has not been without controversy. In recent hours, La Voz de Ibiza has revealed that the Govern denied permission to Aguilera’s sailing school, which, however, has been operating with total impunity. In addition to this direct participation, Aguilera has had an indirect role, or not so much, in the competition in general. Thus, seven of the eight kiosk projects that obtained the best score bear his seal. Most of them would not have been awarded without the changes in the scoring criteria. In addition, his company is the only one on Formentera to offer the numerous training courses whose provision added up to numerous points in the tender. In addition, the former concessionaires recused the key technician in the processing of the tender under suspicion, Ana Fernández Molero, who should have abstained because of a close and manifest friendship with the consultant who advised and presented the projects. “The friendship between the technician and the exconcellera can be defined as intimate, because they have frequent or daily dealings, as recorded in social networks, a link that causes a duty to abstain as summarized by the Supreme Court, in judgment of December 12, 2012,” they said then in a letter never answered.
This relationship was also reported to the Guardia Civil.