The UGT Ensenyament union has demanded this Thursday the incorporation of more support teachers and the implementation of specific measures to improve mathematics results in the Balearic Islands, following the publication of data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) 2023, which reveal worrying figures for the community.
Worrying results in the Balearic Islands
According to the TIMMS 2023 report, less than 50% of 9-year-old students in the Balearic Islands reach the minimum level of proficiency in mathematics. In addition, 4th grade students show results “significantly below” the national average in both mathematics and science, placing the Balearic Islands as the autonomous community with the worst performance in all parameters evaluated, without reaching 500 points in any of the areas.
Union proposals
UGT has indicated as a priority the hiring of more mathematics support teachers to provide personalized attention to students. The union also considers it urgent to reduce the ratios of students per classroom and ensure adequate human and material resources for schools. The union also calls for teachers to have access to training and specialization courses in mathematics during working hours, with the aim of strengthening their skills and knowledge in this subject, which is considered key for the development of students.
A structural improvement plan
UGT has proposed the creation of a specific plan for mathematics, which goes beyond one-off evaluations and focuses on structural measures with adequate resources for each center. The union insists that this plan must consider the specific needs of schools and ensures that the Administration must commit to providing classrooms with sufficient tools to ensure its effective implementation.
Call to the Conselleria de Educación
The union has called on the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities to take immediate measures not only to improve students’ academic results, but also to improve the working conditions of teachers, who play a fundamental role in the quality of education.