After the rejection of the Department of the Sea and Water Cycle, the Consell Insular de Formentera has notified the eight concessionaires of the questioned mega-contest of the beach kiosks that they must dismantle the beach kiosks until February 15, as established in the specifications and as dictated by the administrative concession.
This has been detailed from a press release from the Consell in which they detail “the steps that have been taken so far”. In this regard, they argue that in December “seven of the eight lots of kiosks asked the former Minister of Litoral the possibility of not dismantling their facilities, because of the damage that this would generate. A request that was not transferred to the Government of the Balearic Islands at the time,” they said. The new councilor for the Environment, Verónica Castelló, argued that the current situation is due to “the lack of political inaction of the previous councilor of Litoral”(Llorenç Córdoba, former island president) and stated that “the government team of Sa Unió has always had the political will and responsibility to act for the good of the general interest of Formentera and its citizens”. Castelló was the one who presided at the time the Governing Board on an exceptional basis, which granted the current licenses under suspicion in April last year and for which she was questioned by the UCO of the Guardia Civil. All despite the position of Cordoba to declare the competition void.
The same arguments
In addition, the new government team bowed to the position of the concessionaires of the beach lots and has copied the report of the owners to consider that “dismantling the facilities would be detrimental to Formentera and that does not fit the purpose of the competition, which is precisely to alleviate the deseasonalization”. In addition, from the Consell, the Consell said that the dismantling of the kiosks “would mean having to be at least three months without this type of offer; between removing the installation, having to be a month without activity and reassemble it again. In addition to the environmental impact that this measure would cause”. The latter was precisely what the new owners have argued. However, as La Voz de Ibiza was able to confirm, the dismountable structures only take two days to install take two days to install and another two days to remove them, at a total cost of 6,000 euros.The total cost is 6,500 euros, as detailed by a specialized company.
Negative response
Faced with this situation, the new government team of Sa Unió “moved on January 14 in the Balearic Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle, the possibility of applying some precautionary measures of the current concession contract that would allow not to dismantle the beach kiosks, as well as the possibility of modifying the administrative concession so that this situation does not occur again in the coming years. From the Consell they argued that “since 2013 the beach kiosks also had the obligation to be dismantled because they had temporary authorizations that were extended to perform the activity during the winter. Reason why the Consell de Formentera requested that in the current competition the enabling title was an administrative concession, which would mean not having to dismantle.” However, last Monday came the negative response from the Govern, “denying the precautionary measures for this year”. “From the Regional Ministry of the Sea and Water Cycle, they claim that the request for a modification of the administrative concession is late and that due to the complexity of the procedure to modify the current conditions, any proposed change cannot be applied during that year. However, the GOIB has informed that the Consell has the possibility of being able to request a modification of the administrative concession for the coming years”. Failure to comply with these regulations, detailed in the General Coastal Regulation, have warned that “any breach of this measure could lead to the opening of disciplinary proceedings.