Without grace period, the last hope of the president of the Consell Insular de Formentera, Llorenç Córdoba, the Special Plan for the Port of La Savina has been definitively expired. This has been confirmed by different sources to La Voz de Ibiza. On February 12 the validity of the Strategic Environmental Report expired. The person responsible for this mess is Javier Serra. The president of Compromís and then vice-president of the Consell was in charge of the Conselleria de Territorio e Infraestructura at the time of the expiration. In any other political moment, this negligence would have been a constant source of criticism and reproach from the opposition. The crisis, however, has postponed this inexplicable inaction.

The expiration is not as serious as the one that has been suffering and still suffers the port of Ibiza, since the port of La Savina has a Special Plan in force. The consequences are that the improvements contemplated in the document will have to wait years. Nobody knows how many. A minimum of three will have to wait for the start of the proceedings for Formentera to have a dry marina, subway parking and improvements in mobility.
La Voz de Ibiza has tried to contact Javier Serra to know the reasons for his attitude towards the processing of the Special Plan. The councilor of Compromís has not responded to calls or messages sent.
What is the Special Plan for the port of La Savina?
The Special Plan, dated 2019 and revised in 2021, establishes that it is based on current regulations such as the Ports Law and the Port Use and Space Plan (PUEP), to ensure proper planning and management of the port service area. This involves defining permitted uses, granting authorizations and concessions, as well as complying with Formentera’s urban planning regulations. For its elaboration, different aspects have been taken into account, such as the agreement between the Consell Insular de Formentera and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, embodied in the Preliminary Planning Project of the Port of La Savina.