The company of Ibizan origin Trasmapi, belonging to the Alonso Marí Group of Companies, has taken a new step in its attempt to establish itself in the Strait of Gibraltar. Strait of Gibraltar. After a first frustrated attempt, which led to a patrimonial claim against the Port Authority of Algeciras, Trasmapi has submitted a formal request to operate the line between Algeciras and Ceuta through Ceuta Lines, its subsidiary created for this purpose. On this occasion, the company seeks to operate with one of its two twin fast ferries, Chenega or Fairweather, purchased at auction in Alaska and modernized by the shipping company headed by Marcos Marí. With a capacity of 400 passengers and space for 65 vehicles, these vessels cover the Alcudia Ciutadella line and sometimes also provide service between Ibiza and Formentera to cover the obligatory dry dockage of the Castavi Jet. The news was advanced by ferrybalear and confirmed to La Voz de Ibiza by the company.
A project marked by failed attempts and entrepreneurial persistence
Trasmapi‘s history in the Strait has been marked by challenges and obstacles. In October 2023, the company sold the fast ferry Incat 045, a vessel it had acquired especially to cover the Algeciras-Ceuta line, after failing to receive authorization from the Port Authority of Algeciras(APBA). The sale, described by Trasmapi as an “opportunity” to avoid the cost of keeping the vessel inactive in Vigo, meant a restructuring of its plans in the region. The decision to sell the ship was not Trasmapi‘s only move; they also filed a millionaire patrimonial claim against the APBA, demanding compensation for the losses derived from the refusal to operate in the Strait, as well as guarantees that the company will be able to compete under fair conditions when it obtains the permits.
The current request shows Trasmapi ‘s firm intention to expand its reach beyond the Balearic Islands, where it currently operates routes between Ibiza and Formentera through Formentera Lines and Trasmapi itself and the Alcudia-Ciutadella line under the Menorca Lines brand. The Alonso Marí Group has underlined its interest in exploring market opportunities and has reaffirmed its willingness to acquire more vessels in the future, provided that the operating conditions in the Strait allow them adequate profitability.
Ceuta Lines: a differential offer oriented to local residents
Ceuta Lines ‘ proposal aims to meet the demand of Ceuta residents with a service tailored to their needs. The operation will be structured with four daily departures from each port in low season, with an additional rotation in mid-season and up to six departures in high season. Ceuta Lines ‘ schedules are designed to differentiate itself from other operators in the region, such as Trasmediterranea, and seek to establish a local brand that stays overnight in the port of Ceuta, which strengthens its focus on serving the local community. Both vessels, the Chenega and Fairweather, built in the United States between 2004 and 2005 by Derecktor Shipyards, have been retrofitted by Trasmapi to meet the shipping line’s sustainability and accessibility requirements. They include the ability to connect to OnShore Power Supply systems, eliminating polluting emissions, noise and vibrations. This fleet adaptation effort is aligned with the objectives of the Port Authority of Algeciras to promote more sustainable and efficient operations in the region.
No response from the authorities on Trasmapi’s application
From La Voz de Ibiza we tried to obtain statements from the Port Authority of Algeciras and the Port of Ceuta about the recent application submitted by Trasmapi and Ceuta Lines to operate on the Algeciras-Ceuta line. However, we have not received any response on this issue. The lack of official pronouncement leaves in the air the date of resolution for this request. With this new application, Trasmapi reaffirms its ambition to establish itself on a route that it considers of general interest, focused in the long term on the expansion of its operations outside the Balearic Islands. The next move of the Port Authority and the official response will be key to define if Trasmapi will finally be able to consolidate its presence in the Strait of Gibraltar. Meanwhile, the shipping company awaits the resolution of the public tender to which it has applied to operate between Tarifa and Tangier. In case of winning it, the 100% Ibizan company will incorporate new vessels.