Vibra Hotels reinforces its commitment to sports

Under its social responsibility project "Vibramos Contigo" (We Vibrate with You), the hotel chain is entering into new sponsorships for the 2024-2025 season.
Vibra Hotels refuerza su compromiso con el deporte local

Vibra Hotels continues its commitment to social responsibility by supporting a series of sports activities of local clubs and teams under its “Vibramos Contigo” project, focused on children and vulnerable groups. This is an initiative that favors social and children’s welfare while strengthening the local economy and promoting the values of work, effort and teamwork, with which Vibra Hotels identifies. In this sense, it collaborates with more than ten sports teams on the island of Ibiza for the 2024-2025 season and has established a sponsorship with theSa Real Basketball Club, a team of children classified as Babys – from 3 to 5 years -, and Initiation – from 6 to 8 years -, and that last Saturday November 30 held a day at the Sa Real School Pavilion, in which it presented the commemorative T-shirt to Vibra Hotels as a sponsor.

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Vibra Hotels reinforces its commitment to local sports

The hotel company sponsors, among others, the Beach Volleyball Sports Club La Tribu Ibizathe handball base team Handbol Club Puig D’en Valls, the Club de Gimnasia Rítmica Portmanythe swimming race ULTRASWIM organized every season by the Club Náutico de Santa Eulalia Nautical Club of Santa Eulália, or the young Ibizan Javier Linerosilver medal in the last Spanish Taekwondo Championship.

Soccer also continues to be part of the collaborations, in particular the hotel chain will support again the cadet team of the SD Portmanyyouth team, the youth team of CD Ibiza Insularand the David Booth Foundation Cric Ses Salines, whose wheelchair basketball team will now be called Ses Salines Vibra Hotels, in 2025.

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For the coming season, in addition, the following have joined the project “Vibramos Contigo” project, other new clubs such as The Padel Kingdomwhich sponsors the Madrid tournament, as part of the circuit, and which will hold its final in Ibiza; the Ibiza 64 Chess Club which at the end of October held its Torneig d’Escacs at the Vibra Algarb hotel, in which the Mésdones, Campions and Promeses categories took part, and the Club Natació Sant Josep -water polo team in the fry category, called Dragons and Sargantanes. To close this year, last Saturday, November 30, the San Rafael Cycling Club held next to the church of the village of San Rafael the last edition 2024 of the Kids Race, with 97 registered participants, children between 1 and 16 years old.

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Vibra Hotels reinforces its commitment to local sports

“For us it is a great satisfaction to continue to support the Vibramos Contigo initiative and that our collaborations are direct, aimed at the immediate environment and that can generate a benefit to the community,” said Antonio DomenechCEO of Vibra Hotels.

Automatic Translation Notice: This text has been automatically translated from Spanish. It may contain inaccuracies or misinterpretations. We appreciate your understanding and invite you to consult the original version for greater accuracy.

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