Following the working day on mobility organized by the Socialist Partythe secretary general of the Socialist Federation of Ibiza, Vicent Roselló, has urged the Consell Insular “to fully implement without excuses or delays” the Law limiting the entry of vehicles from June 2025, as established by established by law.
In this sense, Vicent Roselló has harshly criticized the announcement of the president Vicent Marí of a progressive application, limited rental cars and caravans, describing this measure as“fraud“. “The vehicle limitation law must be applied 100% from its entry into force. From June 2025, we cannot accept any delay or exceptions, it would be a fraud to citizenship. This is a historic opportunity to move towards sustainable mobility and help preserve the unique environment of our island that can no longer wait,” said Roselló. The secretary general has asked Vicent Marí to take advantage of the next edition of the International Tourism Fair in Madrid (Fitur) to “present and exhibit to the tourism sector the full implementation of the regulation of vehicles” and that Ibiza “looks a seal” of green and sustainable destination”. However, “the Popular Party has said it will go to Fitur with the intention of reducing saturation in the central months of the tourist season, but between what they do and what they fail to do, we fear that this summer we will end up having the same or more overcrowding than in recent years,” warned Vicent Roselló.
Free and quality public transportation
On the other hand, the PSOE has defended that sustainable mobility “must be a priority to face the great challenges of the island: the high dependence on private vehicles, the growing congestion on the roads and the environmental impact that threatens the balance of our environment”. At the working day, the Socialist Federation has highlighted public transport as the “fundamental axis of this change of model”, claiming the need for a “free, efficient and connected” public transport system. “Public transport is not an expense, as the PP says, it is an investment in the future of the island and in the quality of life of its residents and visitors. Since September 2022, free public transport has shown that betting on sustainability is also betting on social and economic justice,” stressed Vicent Roselló. In the working day, the PSOE has lamented the lack of commitment of the Popular Party with public transport, giving as an example that Vicent Marí has not put any item in the budget of the Consell Insular of 2025 to maintain free public transport. According to the Socialist Federation of Eivissa, the PP’s commitment to the private car is a “failed” model that costs Ibizans “30 million euros a year in highways”. On the island, the situation of public transport “is still a pending issue,” said the Socialists. In that line, they point out that “after nearly six years of management Vicent Marí, the new public transport service has not yet been launched. A delay that generates significant problems, both in terms of efficiency and citizen perception.” “The delay of years in the implementation of a modernized service causes many potential users continue to see public transport as an unreliable and inefficient option, which has hindered their loyalty and has perpetuated dependence on the private vehicle,” argues the socialists. Therefore, in this scenario, they stress “the urgency of adopting decisive measures to transform public transport into a real, accessible and functional alternative, capable of meeting the needs of residents and visitors.