The arrival of a boat with 23 people of North African origin has been registered this Tuesday in the coasts of Formenteraas reported by the Government Delegation. All the people on board are in good health.
Details of the operation
The disembarkation took place around 15:30 hours, when the Provincial Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, in coordination with Maritime Rescue, detected the vessel about eight miles off the east coast of the island. The authorities activated the usual action protocol for this type of situation, guaranteeing the safety and health care of the occupants.
First record in weeks
This case marks the first arrival of a patera in the Pitiusas in the last three weeks, a longer than usual time interval compared to previous records. Weather circumstances and controls on migratory routes could have influenced this temporary decrease, although authorities continue to closely monitor the Mediterranean waters.
Post-arrival procedures
The new arrivals will be treated according to the established protocol, which includes an initial medical check-up and the management of their situation by the security forces and competent agencies. For the moment, no incidents have been reported during the operation and no health complications have been reported among the rescued persons.
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