The weather in Ibiza and Formentera
Cloudy intervals with occasional showers are expected throughout the day. Temperatures will range from 7°C minimum to 15°C maximum, with a low UV index of 1. Moderate wind from the north decreasing towards the afternoon.
The weather in Eivissa
In the municipality of Ibiza, the temperature will be between 7°C minimum and 15°C maximum. There will be a 70% probability of showers in the early morning, decreasing to 5% towards the evening. Winds will be from the northwest and north, with gusts of up to 15 km/h.
The weather in Sant Josep de sa Talaia
Sant Josep de sa Talaia will have temperatures between 6°C minimum and 12°C maximum, with 30% chance of showers in the morning, decreasing to 5% in the evening. The wind will blow from the northeast and east with speeds of 15 km/h in the morning.
The weather in Santa Eulària des Riu
In Santa Eulària des Riu a temperature range between 5°C and 15°C is forecast. The day will be cloudy with sunny intervals, and showers will be occasional during the morning with a probability of up to 55%. The wind will be moderate from the north.
The weather in Sant Antoni de Portmany
In Sant Antoni, temperatures will range between 6°C minimum and 14°C maximum. In the morning there will be showers with a 40% probability and the wind will be light, with a maximum speed of 10 km/h from the north and northeast.
The weather in Sant Joan de Labritja
Sant Joan de Labritja will record a minimum of 4°C and a maximum of 13°C. Showers are expected in the early morning with a 95% probability, which will decrease towards the afternoon. The wind will be from the northwest and north, reaching 15 km/h.
The weather in Formentera
In Formentera, temperatures are expected between 9°C minimum and 14°C maximum. There will be a 65% chance of rain in the early morning, which will be reduced to 5% towards the evening. Winds will be moderate from the north, with gusts of up to 15 km/h.