After the conflict between a tenant and an “inqui-okupa” in a house located in Es Novells 55, in the municipality of Santa Eulària des Riu, another serious complaint against the same woman, named Mariana, has transcended in the last hours.
On this occasion, a neighbor of Can Guasch, in the same municipality, has recounted an ordeal that began two years before the pandemic and continues today with trials and accusations in between. La Voz de Ibiza has contacted Laura (that is also the name of the tenant of Es Novells) and she has agreed to tell her experience, which she summarizes crudely: “A piece of shit”. Laura locates the beginning of the conflict two years before the Covid-19 pandemic, when “from an agency where we had put the rent of a country house, we rented it to a group of people among whom was Mariana”.“I don’t know what happened in that group, but they all left, perhaps because they were not comfortable. But after a while, she approached us saying that she had to leave her place in Jesus and that she had nowhere to go,” he has stated. “We told her that for a week she could keep her things in the storage room outside the house, and she ended up staying 4 years without paying,” Laura has added.

The problems of coexistence began early. “She would send messages to my mother, an old lady, saying that she couldn’t sleep, that the noises bothered her, that the music was too loud. She complained that she was going at 9 o’clock to feed the chickens, but we were working there. She would record us and call the police about everything. She even told me that she was going to blow my head off,” he told this newspaper. According to her account, when the pandemic broke out, Mariana returned to Argentina, her country of origin, but did not vacate the place. “Being denounced, we could not touch any of her things there. She had declared that it was her home, and without a judge’s order we could not remove her,” she said. When they allowed her to return to Spain, Mariana went back to the warehouse.
Trial, eviction and more denunciations
Laura has told La Voz de Ibiza that one day, Mariana decided to leave the place. “She told me ‘I’m leaving, motherfucker’. She left with a bunch of bags. I put the chain on because I thought ‘by taking her things with her, she’s not coming back’, but she called Guardia Civil and we had a quick trial, for which we had to pay 5,040 euros to the State for having closed a door where a person lived,” she has detailed. After the payment, the judge ruled that she was to collect her things escorted by the Guardia Civil, and leave for good. “She grabbed her belongings and left. But as a result of that, she filed two complaints against us,” he said. “He had stabbed our cushions, he has left kilos and kilos of garbage, he was throwing bags with shit and animal prey into the neighbor’s woods. He seems like a normal person until he gets his wires crossed,” Laura described to this media outlet.

Since then, Laura and her family have had to face two accusations in court. The first was for an alleged scratch on her face that, according to Mariana, was caused by a woman during an altercation. This case ended with the acquittal of the family. The second, still pending resolution, is for an alleged robbery in which Mariana claims that she was robbed of money, kitchen utensils, clothes and other personal items. Laura has denied these accusations and assures that all the belongings were removed under the supervision of the Civil Guard when ordered by the judge. According to La Voz de Ibiza, Laura has contacted the other Laura, from the Es Novells 55 case, to “offer her help”.